Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring at Ciel sur Terre

Its Spring in the Gardens at Ciel Sur Terre! In many parts of Georgia, the month of April means pink lady's slippers (Cypripedum acaule) are in bloom. Starting around April 9th through about May 6th, these beautiful plants are in bloom.

They are listed as "protected" plants by the U.S. Department of Agriculture with "unusual" status code for Georgia. In many other parts of the United States, pink lady's slippers bear "endangered", "rare" or "threatened" status codes. Nevertheless, because these particular plants grew voluntarily on private-owned lands, they are not subject to the restrictions of wild species. The Curator at Ciel sur Terre has shared this plant with Pike Nursery and Turnipseed Nursery in hopes propagation of the species can become commercially successful.

Lots of color suggests spring is underway at Ciel sur Terre. The month of February was abound with yellow from daffodils and forsythia. But right now, the Blue Garden is displaying the rich blue H.F. Young clematis.